Mario Periša

The focus of his interest is the study of visual communication and photographic processes and gestures. Author of several hundred published photographs from various areas of photographs published in the media of the region, including the leading Croatian daily newspapers and magazines, and stories published in National Geographic. From 1992 till nowdays he has participated in solo and group exhibitions of photography. The photographic medium treates sometimes thru photographic gesture, so he has handled it thru performance, video and installation. He published a monograph „Povratak u divljinu“ (2008), he founded the first Croatian independent photo agency MAPS (2006). He is a member of the jury of the international competition for the best photo in BiH. He is a member of the Association of Croatian photojournalists on the function of vice-president and perennial Member of jury for the international Croatian newspaper photos, member of Croatian Journalists, Association and member of ULUPUH. He is Asst. Prof. art. at the University North.