Nick Hannes

Born in Antwerp in 1974. Resident in Ranst, in Belgium. I graduated at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Gand in 1997. For the following years I worked as a photo reporter. In 2006 I decided to focus only on documentary projects. Most of my work has a political and social focus. My third book "Garden of Delight" (Hannibal / Editions André Frère, 2018) shows Dubai as the last playground of globalization and capitalism raising questions on sustainability and authenticity. This series was awarded with the Magnum photography Award in 2017 and the Zeiss Photography Award in 2018.
I exhibited at the of Biennale of Contemporary Art in Tessaloniki, Visa pour l'Image (Perpignan) , Photo Kaunas (Lithuania), Photo Festiwal Lodz (Polonia), PhotoMed (Beirut), Head On (Sydney), Photo Festival in Athens, Centro Andaluz de la Photography (Almeria), CajaGranada, Photo Istanbul, Organo Vida (Zagabria), Fundacion Tres Culturas (Sevilla), Medphoto (Rethymno, Creta), Triennale of Photography in Hamburg, De Garage (Mechelen, B). Since 2008 I have been teaching documentary photography in KASK / The School of Arts di Gand (B). I am represented by Panos Pictures (London) and Black Eye Gallery (Sydney).